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一新的起点以安徽省书画院为主体的“黄山风”画展9月1日在北京中国美术馆展出,犹如从黄山吹来的清风给首都观众留下了难忘的印象。这是当代安徽中国画家近50年来首次在北京的群体性作品展示,不独显示出对新生活与时代精神的由衷感受,还显示出继往开来的胸襟;安徽中国画家鼎力推出的“黄山风”是旨在以“黄山风”为主旨,凝聚新的艺术阵容,弘扬“徽派”文化精神,加大其向现代转化力度的重大举措。就展出的150件作品来看,囊括了人物、山水、花鸟等门类,以中青年为主的作者阵容显示出老、中、青三代画家的合理配置,并且各自不同的审美追求、艺术趣味、笔墨方式等都统一在“黄山风”的总体格局之中,既充分肯定了艺术个性,又体现出一种整体的共性。作为处于南北交汇的长江中下游地区的当代安徽画家,不同于前辈们艺术的是,视野更加开阔,包容性更强,既能吸收了南方中国画飘逸、灵秀的特点,又融合了北方中国画雄健、浑然的长处,兼容并蓄,丰富自己、发展自己、定位自己,使他们以整体的艺术特色和美 A New Beginning The “Huangshan Wind” exhibition featuring the Anhui Academy of Fine Arts was exhibited at the China National Art Museum in Beijing on September 1, just as the breeze blowing from Huangshan left a memorable impression on the capital’s audience. This is the first time in recent 50 years that contemporary Chinese artists in Anhui Province exhibited group works in Beijing. It not only showed their sincere feelings about the new life and the spirit of the times, but also showed the mentality of going forward. The “Huangshan style” vigorously promoted by Chinese painters in Anhui Province is In the “Huangshan style” as the theme, unite new art lineup, carry forward the “Huizhou” cultural spirit, increase its efforts to transform the modern major initiatives. From the 150 works on display, it covers such subjects as landscapes, landscapes, flowers and birds, the lineup of young and middle-aged writers shows the rational allocation of the three generations of painters of old age, middle age and youth, and their different aesthetic pursuits and artistic tastes , Pen and ink are all unified in the “Huangshan style” of the overall pattern, both fully affirmed the artistic personality, but also reflects the overall commonality. As a contemporary Anhui painter in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River where the north and south meet, unlike the predecessors’ art, the field of vision is more open and more inclusive. It not only absorbs the elegant and graceful features of southern Chinese painting, but also integrates the vigorous, Natural features, inclusive, enrich themselves and develop themselves, positioning themselves, so that they with the overall artistic characteristics and the United States
蔡雄保,1957年出生,1982年7月大学毕业后进入江门海关工作,一直致力于海关信息化建设,曾任技术处副处长,2006年起任江门海关总工程师。 Cai Xiongbao, born in 1957, entere