
来源 :临床儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wufala
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测定不同时期病毒性心肌炎患儿的细胞免疫 ,以探讨其临床意义 ,将92例病毒性心肌炎患儿和30例对照组细胞免疫检测结果进行比较。结果显示 ,心肌炎急性期和慢性期的细胞免疫 (CD3、CD4、CD8和B细胞 )与对照组比较 ,差异有显著性(P<0.01) ;恢复期CD4/CD8存在显著差异 (P<0.05) ;迁延期CD4和B细胞存在显著差异。表明病毒性心肌炎免疫改变以细胞免疫为主 ,存在免疫细胞功能紊乱 ,于急性期及慢性期尤为显著 ,恢复期好转 ,迁延期存在T细胞亚类比例失衡 To determine the cellular immunity of children with viral myocarditis at different stages in order to explore its clinical significance. The results of cellular immunity in 92 children with viral myocarditis and 30 controls were compared. The results showed that the cellular immunity (CD3, CD4, CD8 and B cells) in acute and chronic myocarditis was significantly different from that in control group (P <0.01), while there was significant difference in recovery CD4 / CD8 (P <0.05) There was a significant difference in CD4 and B cell proliferation between the two groups. The results showed that the immune changes of viral myocarditis were mainly cellular immunity with immune cell dysfunction, especially in acute phase and chronic phase. The recovery period improved, and there was imbalance of T cell subsets in the delayed phase
随着新课改理念的推出,当前的教育格局已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。本文主要探讨了在新课程理念背景之下如何在高中语文课程中为学生创建“主动乐学”的课堂。 With the intr
X j每l囊}蓬【浆’妊:馊稃-嚣{:}I;散荽J制}罪稻}釜謦j麓j锄{阻}本田CG110/125摩托车分解电路图(老本田)@于天江 X j per l capsule} Peng [pulp] Pregnancy: 馊 稃 - din {
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胎粪吸入综合征 (MAS)是围生期严重呼吸衰竭的主要病因之一 ,因常并急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (ARDS)和持续胎儿循环等 ,死亡率高。MAS的处理需用高氧、高通气的机械通气治疗。由于吸入胎粪可
婴儿猝死 ( sudden infant death,SID)或称为小儿急死 ,无明显临床先兆或轻微临床表现 ,迅即死亡 ,据统计病因 [1 ]占第1位者当属支气管肺炎及间质肺炎 ,约占 3 6%~ 64% ,其他