承包是农村和企业经济改革中实行的一种经济运营方式。泰安市公安机关将这种经济运营方式巧妙地运用到基层治安防范工作中,取得了一定成效:可防、可控治安案件明显下降, 2000年前 10个月,通过巡逻网络就直接抓获各类违法犯罪分子 1671名,预防 1155起案件和 180起治安灾害
Contracting is a type of economic operation that is practiced in rural areas and in the economic reform of enterprises. Public Security agencies in Tai’an City cleverly applied this mode of economic operation to the grass-roots public security work and achieved some success: the number of preventable and controlable public order cases dropped significantly. In the first 10 months of 2000, all kinds of direct seizures were made through patrol networks 1671 criminals, preventing 1155 cases and 180 public order disasters