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中小企业关系到整个国民经济的发展,是国民经济中最具活力的增长点。在当前我国经济面临需求不旺、就业压力大的情况下,发展并搞活中小企业对于启动经济、扩大就业和提高整体经济效益更具有特殊的意义。如何扶持中小企业的发展,是一个关键。是凡小皆扶持,还是应有所选择;是凡小皆发展,还是需优胜劣汰;是凡小政策皆倾斜,还是应区别对待,等等。从辩证的角度看问题,是不应用“凡小”的,应该是因企业而异、因产品而异、因发展不同阶段而异。具体来说:第一,扶持中小企业的发展,必须体现产业导向。中小企业像星星点点渗入于各行各业、各种产品或商店之中。有的产业要发展,有的产业要淘汰;有的产品要发展,有的产品要淘汰;有的网点要发展,有的网点要撤消,这是市场竞争不可抗拒的规律。因而政府所要扶持的中小企业,只能是适应市场发展需要的中小企业。第二,扶持中小企业的发展,也不是要使每个中小企业都 SMEs are related to the development of the entire national economy and are the most dynamic growth point in the national economy. In the current situation where China’s economy is facing weak demand and high employment pressure, the development and invigoration of SMEs has special significance for starting the economy, expanding employment and improving overall economic efficiency. How to support the development of SMEs is a key issue. It is the support of all the minorities, or whether there should be some choices; whether all minors are to be developed, or whether the fittest must be eliminated; whether all small policies are tilted or should be treated differently, and so on. From a dialectical point of view, it does not apply “small ”, it should be different for different companies, different products, and different stages of development. Specifically: First, to support the development of SMEs, we must reflect the industrial orientation. SMEs are like little stars infiltration in all walks of life, various products or stores. Some industries should be developed, some industries should be eliminated, some products must be developed, some products must be eliminated, some outlets must be developed, and some outlets must be withdrawn. This is an irresistible law for market competition. Therefore, the small and medium-sized enterprises that the government wants to support can only be small and medium-sized enterprises that meet the needs of market development. Second, to support the development of SMEs, it is not necessary for every SME to have
本文将着重分析高层建筑暖通设计中常见问题,探讨设计要点,提出设计新思路和节能措施,提高暖通设计水平,对高层建筑暖通设计工作起到一定的指导作用。 This article will fo