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近几年来,日本产业的劳动生产率较高,已引起了世界的普遍注意。劳动生产率迅速提高的原因是什么呢?第一,长时期地以很高水平进行设备投资,这是一个重要因素。在六十年代,日本企业的设备投资水平与国民生产总产值之比高达18%,而西德在同一时期为15%,美国为10%,英国还不到10%,相比之下日本是非常高的。 In recent years, Japan’s industrial labor productivity has been high, which has aroused widespread attention in the world. What is the reason for the rapid increase in labor productivity? First, investing in equipment at a high level for a long period of time is an important factor. In the 1960s, the ratio of investment in equipment of Japanese companies to gross national product was as high as 18%, compared with 15% in West Germany, 10% in the United States, and less than 10% in the United Kingdom, compared with Japan. very high.
The coupling effects of axial pre-stress,temperature and magnetic field on magne- tostrictive strain and magnetization as well as Young’s modulus of a Terfenol
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西安第三机床厂是由国家布点生产平面磨床的专业机床厂。主要产品有M7130、M7130K、M7475B平面磨床、B650牛头刨床和丝锥、搓丝板、切口铣刀等刃具产品。 1981年由于国民经
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Ni-20Cr powders mixed with tungsten,aluminum,titanium,and different contents of molybdenum disulfides were hot-pressed in graphite mould by powder metallurgy me
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