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申遗中的困顿以当今世界的眼光,成为在文化上具有影响的大国,无疑要看那里的人文遗产多丰厚。然而越来越程式化的思维方式的确障碍了人们对于文化的辨认。一方面,要等到被联合国批准才被认为属于文化遗产。另一方面,民族情感总是起着文化甄选的角色,排斥外来文明,使人类的文化? The distress in the inscription, with the current world vision, has become a culturally influential power undoubtedly rich in cultural heritage there. However, more and more stylized ways of thinking do hinder people’s recognition of culture. On the one hand, it is considered cultural heritage until it is approved by the United Nations. On the other hand, national sentiment always plays the role of cultural selection, excluding external civilization and making human culture?
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不是每个人都有机会看到在车窗外翻飞的钞票吧,我就曾看到过。   入职那年,单位组织旅游,回程车上,在站台买了烟台梨的同事坐在车窗边打开钱包收拾找零,此时列车启动,数张百元钞票如脱笼的飞鸟,在众同事的目光和惊叫中飘向窗外,其间随着火车前行、转弯带来的气旋调皮地做着空中特技动作。除了尽力掩饰懊恼与心痛以不致成为别人的笑柄,她别无选择。   艾丽丝·门罗的短篇小说《机缘》中,列车在经停站启动又骤停。