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谭嗣同在1895年的信中提到一位外国传教士“马医士”。同年,唐才常也在他的书信中提到这位“马医师尚德”。历来学者对谭、唐二人认识的这位外国朋友极少注意,对他的生平事迹更是知之不详。马尚德(Alexander M. Mackay)原籍苏格兰人,1891年来华,是英国伦敦会(London Missionary Society)汉口分会的传教医师,派驻武昌,1895年脱离伦敦会,继续在武昌行医,1896年病逝,葬汉口外人坟场。马尚德在中国的日子不长,他与伦敦会一波三折的关系,却颇能说明晚清传教事业内部的一些问题。他与武昌地方人士特别是谭嗣同和谭家其他成员的接触,又可作为晚清中外关系史上的一个个案研究内容,所以可算是一位值得注意的人物。本文旨在利用一些外国档案资料,重建马尚德在华活动的概略情况,从而为晚清传教史、中外关系史和谭嗣同研究作点补白。 In his letter of 1895, Tan Sitong mentioned a foreign missionary “Ma doctor.” In the same year, Tang Chang-chang also mentioned in his letter that the “doctor Suntech”. Historically, scholars have paid little attention to the foreign friend whom Tan and Tang met, and they are even more aware of what happened to him. Alexander M. Mackay, a Scottish native of China, came to China in 1891 and was a missionary to the Hankou Branch of the London Missionary Society. He was stationed in Wuchang. He left London in 1895 and continued to practice medicine in Wuchang. He died in 1896 and was buried Hankou outsider cemetery. MaShandu’s not long life in China, his twists and turns with the London relationship, but it can explain some of the problems within the missionary work in the late Qing Dynasty. His contacts with other local people in Wuchang, especially Tan Sitong and other members of the Tan family, can also serve as case studies in the history of Sino-foreign relations in the late Qing Dynasty. Therefore, he can be regarded as a noteworthy figure. The purpose of this paper is to use some foreign archives to reconstruct the general situation of Ma Shangde’s activities in China, so as to make a point for the research on the history of Sino-foreign relations and Tan Sitong in the late Qing Dynasty.
湖南“新民学会”部分会员1919年11月16日在长沙的合影。后排左四为毛泽东,三排右一为何叔衡,二排左四为周士钊. Some photos of some members of Hunan Xinmin Society in