
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingchali
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改进工作作风是铁路企业改革发展的必然要求。铁路企业作为占主导地位的国有骨干企业,肩负着为国民经济发展和社会全面进步服务的重要责任。铁路企业的工作作风如何,直接关系到党和政府在人民群众心目中的威信和形象,关系到铁路企业改革发展的进一步深化。从总体上讲,铁路企业广大党员干部工作作风是好的,但与迅速发展的国民经济需求和广大旅客货主期望相比,我们的工作作风还有些不适应的地方。当前,铁路面临着新的形势和任务,对加强和改进党的作风建设提出了更新的要求。 Improving work style is a necessary requirement of railway enterprise reform and development. As the leading state-owned backbone enterprises, railway enterprises have the important responsibility to serve the development of national economy and the all-round social progress. The work style of the railway enterprises is directly related to the prestige and image of the party and government in the minds of the people and the masses and the further deepening of the reform and development of railway enterprises. Generally, the work style of majority of Party members and cadres in railway enterprises is good, but compared with the rapid development of the national economy and the expectation of the vast number of passengers and passengers, there are still some areas where our working style is not suitable. At present, the railway is confronted with new situations and tasks and proposed newer requirements for strengthening and improving the party’s work style.
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