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2012年2月5日,是中国银行成立100周年的纪念日,为了纪念这一重大的历史时刻,中国银行(香港)有限公司、中国银行(澳门)有限公司对外公告,发行庆祝“中国银行成立100周年”香港、澳门纪念钞,中国人民银行为此发行了熊猫加字金银纪念币,中国邮政集团公司发行纪念邮票。这是世界金融史上第一次同时在港澳以银行为主题发行纪念钞,也是中国邮政史上第一次以百年企业为主题发行纪念邮票,开创了钞、币、邮票组合发行的先河,是中国货币、邮票发行史上的一次创新。笔者近日购得两枚纪念钞后,便迫不及待地对其进行观察,两地的纪念钞从版面的总体设计看,明显带有第五套人民币的设计风范,使用了诸多现行流通第五套人民币的防伪技术,并采用了多项新的防伪技术。现将观察结果介绍如下:一、两地纪念钞票面的基本特征两地纪念钞正面除币名和颜色不同外,主景图案都是世界 February 5, 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Bank of China. In memory of this historic moment, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and Bank of China (Macau) Co., Ltd. announced that they will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Bank of China The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China “,” Hong Kong and Macao Commemoratives, "and the People’s Bank of China issued the Panda Plus Charm and Comission commemorative coins for this purpose. China Post Group Company issued commemorative stamps. This is the first time in world financial history that Hong Kong and Macao issue bank notes at the same time. It is also the first time that China Post has issued a commemorative stamp on the theme of a hundred years of enterprises and created a precedent for the issuance of bank notes, coins and stamps. It is the currency of China , A stamp of innovation in the history of the issue. After I bought two commemorative banknotes recently, I watched them with impatience. The commemorative banknotes in both places were clearly marked with the fifth set of RMB design style and the fifth set of RMB Anti-counterfeiting technology, and the use of a number of new anti-counterfeiting technology. Now the observation results are introduced as follows: First, the two commemorating the basic characteristics of banknotes surface Two commemorative banknotes in front of the coin name and color in addition to different, the main scenery patterns are the world
目的:通过分析 2 例骨髓增生异常综合征患者输血后出现迟发型溶血性输血反应,经过激素、丙球或血浆置换观察效果,探讨方法的安全有效性.方法:2 例输血患者应用经典抗人球蛋白
祖籍在德国,成名于美国,最终魂归中国。阿马多伊斯·威廉·葛利普(Amadeus William Grabau)跨越浩淼的太平洋,从美洲大陆来到了亚欧大陆的最东端,成为当时少见的选择中国作为