
来源 :机器人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackiesage
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为了实现面向牙科患者的个性化成品义齿性能测试,基于6PUS-2HKP空间冗余驱动并联仿生咀嚼机器人,设计了可安装牙模的仿生上颌、下颌结构.针对义齿性能测试对高仿生咀嚼运动的要求,提出了一种基于颞下颌关节(TMJ)运动理论的后牙运循环参数化仿生规划方法.利用拉格朗日方程和虚功原理,推导了冗余驱动咀嚼机器人的动力学方程.分别以颞下颌关节内力2范数最小和驱动力2范数最小为优化目标,建立了基于遗传算法的冗余驱动咀嚼机器人驱动力优化分配数学模型.将食品质构仪获取的仿真食物力-变形关系曲线加载到机器人磨牙上完成了运循环下咀嚼仿真食物实验.结果表明,咀嚼机器人切牙运动轨迹形状、切牙运动速度变化规律、髁突运动形式等均与人类咀嚼运动一致,空载和加载仿真食物两种条件下均可求得合理的驱动力优化分配结果.同时,以仿真实验得到的6组驱动为输入,采用咀嚼机器人样机进行了运循环实验.样机实验和咀嚼仿真食物实验证明了运循环规划方法的仿生性和驱动力优化分配方法的可行性. In order to realize the personalized denture performance testing for dental patients, a biomimetic maxilla and mandibular structure was designed based on the 6PUS-2HKP spatial redundancy driven parallel bionic robot.For the requirement of denture performance testing on high bionic chewing motions , A parameterized biomimetic planning method based on the TMJ (TMJ) motion theory was proposed. Based on Lagrange’s equations and virtual work principle, the dynamics equations of the maneuver robot with redundant drive Based on the optimization objective of minimizing the norm of temporomandibular joint internal force 2 and the norm of norm 2, a mathematical model for optimizing the driving force of the mastic robot with redundant drive based on genetic algorithm was established. The simulated food force The relationship curve was loaded on the robot molars to complete the chewing simulation food experiment under the circulatory cycle.The results showed that the shape of the motion trajectory of the incisors, the changing regularity of the incisor movement and the condyle movement were all consistent with human chewing, And loading simulated food under both conditions can be obtained reasonable driving force to optimize the distribution of results.At the same time, Six sets of driving tests were used as inputs, and maneuvering robotic prototypes were used to carry out circulatory experiments.The prototype experiments and the chewing simulation food experiments proved the feasibility of the biomimicry and driving force optimization distribution methods of circulatory planning methods.
美国专利6 573 419揭示了一种吸收性弹性粘附紧压伤口敷料的制造工艺,据称这种敷料能有效而迅速地控制伤口出血.这种敷料是制成和包装成能让受伤者用其一只手包敷伤口的.敷料
2.1.2 窃电的方法rn说到窃电大家应该都不陌生,窃电手法多种多样,但万变不离其宗,通常都要从计量原理入手,常见的方法有欠压法、欠流法、移相法、扩差法和无表法等.窃电不仅
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