Increasing Winter Conductive Heat Transfer in the Arctic Sea-ice-covered Areas: 1979-2014

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangy3874308
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Sea ice is a quite sensitive indicator in response to regional and global climate changes. Based on monthly mean PanArctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System(PIOMAS) sea ice thickness fields, we computed the conductive heat flux(CHF) in the Arctic Ocean in the four winter months(November–February) for a long period of 36 years(1979–2014). The calculated results for each month manifest the increasing extension of the domain with high CHF values since 1979 till 2014. In 2014, regions of roughly 90% of the central Arctic Ocean have been dominated by the CHF values larger than 18 Wm~(-2)(November–December) and 12 Wm~(-2)(January–February), especially significant in the shelf seas around the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, the population distribution frequency(PDF) patterns of the CHF with time show gradually peak shifting toward increased CHF values. The spatiotemporal patterns in terms of the trends in sea ice thickness and other three geophysical parameters, surface air temperature(SAT), sea ice thickness(SIT), and CHF, are well coupled. This suggests that the thinner sea ice cover preconditions for the more oceanic heat loss into atmosphere(as suggested by increased CHF values), which probably contributes to warmer atmosphere which in turn in the long run will cause thinner ice cover. This represents a positive feedback mechanism of which the overall effects would amplify the Arctic climate changes. Based on monthly mean PanArctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) sea ice thickness fields, we computed the conductive heat flux (CHF) in the Arctic Ocean in the The calculated results for each month manifest the increasing extension of the domain with high CHF values ​​since 1979 till 2014. In 2014, regions of roughly 90 % of the central Arctic Ocean has been dominated by the CHF values ​​larger than 18 Wm -2 (November-December) and 12 Wm -2 (January-February), especially significant in the shelf seas around the Arctic The population distribution frequency (PDF) patterns of the CHF with time gradually peak shifting to increased CHF values. The spatiotemporal patterns in terms of terms in sea ice thickness and other three geophysical parameters, surface air temperatu re (SAT), sea ice thickness (SIT), and CHF, are well coupled. This suggests that the thinner sea ice cover preconditions for the more oceanic heat loss into atmosphere (as suggested by increased CHF values), which probably contributes to warmer atmosphere which in turn in the long run will cause thinner ice cover. This represents a positive feedback mechanism of which the overall effects would amplify the Arctic climate changes.
【中图分类号】G633.8【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)02-0176-01  初中化学教材内容简单、知识点浅显易懂,且与生活紧密联系,学生容易理解,学起来轻松;而高中化学课程,知识量猛增,接触的概念多且抽象,很多学生心理上适应不过来,学习常陷入被动迷茫的局面。如何对学生进行学法指导,改进教学方式,优化教学内容,提高高中化学教学的有效性呢?  一、分析学情  1.化学