
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly6624
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8月份,记者参加中油销售企业党委书记座谈会,会上,对该系统思想政治工作有了较多的了解。其中,给人印象最深的是:中油销售企业思想政治工作努力体现与时俱进的要求,围绕中心。突出重点,讲求实效,在继承中创新,从而保证了队伍的稳定和经济效益的增长,整体实现了扭亏为盈。他门的工作很有创造性,值得总结和研究。记者管中窥豹、以蠡测海,仅从三个方面作一些简要的介绍。各级领导班子直面市场,突出政治建设,使班子建设具有鲜明的现实针对性。班子建设,这本来是任何企业、任何时期都要作为重点工作来抓的大事。销售企业抓领导班子建设,没有平铺直叙、面面 In August, the reporter attended the seminar of party secretary of PetroChina Sales Enterprise. At the meeting, he learned more about the ideological and political work of the system. Among them, the most impressive thing is: CNPC sales of enterprises ideological and political work to reflect the requirements of advancing with the times around the center. Highlighting key points, stressing practical results and innovating in succession so as to ensure the stability of teams and the growth of economic benefits, and turn the loss into profits as a whole. His work is very creative, it is worth summarizing and researching. Reporter tube in the jungle, to test the sea, only from three aspects for some brief introduction. Leading bodies at all levels face the market directly and highlight political construction so that the team building has a clear and realistic orientation. Team building, which would have been any business, at any time as a major task to grasp the major events. Sales companies grasp the leading group construction, there is no straightforward, face to face
从三个方面论述了人眼视觉对摄影的影响,及如何控制拍摄的方法。 From three aspects discusses the impact of human vision on photography, and how to control the shoot
This paper summarized the coke passivation technology which was carried out by major domestic steel companies and research institutions.The paper briefly discus
火灾事故调查是《消防法》赋予公安消防机构的一项重要职责 ,是一项专业性、技术性、政策性很强的工作。近年来 ,随着经济不断发展 ,新工艺、新材料等的广泛应用 ,火灾原因也
通过对64例乙肝病毒感染者血清中的 Pre—S_2测定,发现 CAH、CPH 及 ASC 血清中 Pre—S_2与 PHSA 受体阳性率均显著高于对照组,Pre—S_2阳性组中 HBeAg 和 HBV DNA 的阳性率
拿两张报纸,使它们相距2厘米左右,用力向它们之间的空隙吹气,就会发现一个奇怪的现象,报纸之间的距离不但没有扩大,反而在缩小,这是为什么呢? Take two newspapers so that