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资金市场是社会主义市场体系的重要支柱.为加快培育和发展我国的资金市场,并研究实施与之相适应的强有力的金融宏观调控,以确保资金市场在其边发展边成熟中对资金的优化配置发挥出最大的效用,就必须首先弄清资金市场运行的内在机制.对于一个日益对外开放并逐步与国际市场接轨的开放型市场经济国家的资金市场而言,从根本上说,其组成应包括信贷资金市场,有价证券市场和外汇市场三方面,它们各自成体系,有着各自内在的运行机制,但同时任何一方波动都将直接或间接地影响着其它两方面运行状态的改变. The capital market is an important pillar of the socialist market system.In order to speed up the cultivation and development of the capital market in our country and study and implement the corresponding powerful macro-control of the financial market so as to ensure that the capital market is capital-intensive Optimize the configuration to play the most effective, we must first understand the internal mechanism of the operation of the capital market.For an increasingly open and gradually with the international market, the market economy of open market economies, fundamentally speaking, its composition Should include the credit funds market, the securities market and the foreign exchange market, and they have their own system and their own internal operation mechanism, but at the same time, any one party’s fluctuation will directly or indirectly affect the other two aspects of the operational status change.
一、关于合伙是否为独立民事主体之争论 关于合伙是否为独立民事主体之争论,在我国由来已久。大致分为两派:一派持否定观点,认为合伙不是独立的民事主体,一派持肯定观点,认
Digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology are becoming the standard in representing terrain surfaces. They hav
<正> 今年以来,刚刚队“卖粮难”中摆脱出来的农民又步入了白色的困惑:几年前炙手可热的棉花今年每担下调50元,并允许5%的上下浮动,估计下浮的可能性相当大。据统计,全国96、9
<正> 目前,海峡两岸商品流通领域内的连锁业都有不同程度的发展。不过,比较而言,祖国大陆起步较晚,台湾由于先行一步,发展较快。本文试就两岸连锁业问题做一初步分析。 一、