,A review and research on comprehensive characterization of microscopic shale gas reservoir space

来源 :中国地质(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oupser123
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In this paper,substantial domestic and foreign research results of microscopic shale reservoir space were systemically reviewed,the research history consisting of simple observation and qualitative classification,quantitative research,the combination of qualitative and quantitative research successively as well as the characteristics of each research stage were summarized.In addition,the current problems existing in the characterization methods of shale reservoir space were also analyzed.Furthermore,based on massive actual detection of typical core samples obtained from more than 50 global shale gas wells and relevant practical experience,a comprehensive characterization method of combining qualitative with the semiquantitative characterization was put forward.In detail,the indicators of the qualitative characterization include pore combination type and organic-matter microscopic morphology type,while the core elements of the semi-quantitative characterization include the percentage of the organic-matter area and the plane porosity of the pores of different types.Based on the reference of the naming and classification of rocks,the three-end-member diagram method was used to characterize microscopic shale reservoir space.This is achieved by plotting the three end-member diagram of 3 kinds of first-order critical reservoir spaces,i.e.,organic-matter pores,matrix pores,and micro-fractures,in order to intuitively present the features of the microscopic pore combination.Meanwhile,statistic histograms of organic-matter microscopic morphology type and the plane porosity of different types of pores were adopted to characterize the development degree of second-order pores quantitatively.By this comprehensive characterization method,the importance of both pore combination and the microscopic morphology of organic matter were emphasized,revealing the control of organic-matter microscopic morphology over the organic-matter pores.What is more,high-resolution FE-SEM was adopted to obtain semi-quantitative statistics results.In this way,the features of pore development and pore combination were quantified,not only reflecting the types and storage capacity of the microscopic shale reservoir space,but also presenting the hydrocarbongenerating potential of organic matter in shale.Therefore,the results of this research are capable of providing in-depth microscopic information for the assessment and exploration and development of shale gas resources.
目的 了解某市中小学生的生长发育健康状况,为学校开展卫生服务保健工作提供科学依据.方法 采用随机抽样的方法在某市小学、初中、高中各选取两所学校的全部学生,通过健康检
目的 回顾性分析肾移植术后早期一过性精神异常的诊治.方法 回顾性分析2017年11月~2019年11月我院肾移植术后出现早期一过性精神异常的97例患者的临床资料.结果 97例患者用药
目的 探讨艾司西酞普兰对冠心病冠脉介入(PCI)术后患者的抑郁情绪、脑源性神经营养因子以及炎症因子水平的影响.方法 依据随机数字表法将我院93例PCI术后冠心病合并抑郁的患
摘 要:在当前的教学环境中,许多教师仍然采用传统的“满堂灌”教学模式,导致了学生学习主动权的丧失。本文主要分析了学生主动权缺少的现象,并提出了制订打磨教学目标、采用多样化的课堂教学形式、及时合理地进行课堂评价、创造充满激情的课堂氛围等应对策略。  关键词:主动权;教学目标;多样化;课堂氛围  1.学生主动权缺失现象  随着新课程改革的不断推进与深入,很多教师积极投身课改的浪潮中,并从中尝到了甜头。
摘 要:情趣教育是开展初中英语教学活动的重要方式。经过实践,笔者发现,在英语课堂开展多元化课外活动有利于提高学生的健康水平,激发学生的求知欲,从而实现让学生感知与灵活应用英语这门语言的教学目的,并增强学生的英语学习自信。基于此,本文就如何开展情趣教学以提高初中英语教学进行了详细探析。  关键词:情趣教育;初中英语;兴趣;习惯;学习动力  初中英语教学不仅要传道授业与解惑,还要积极提高学生的学习情趣
摘 要:随着农村小学教育的发展,小学教师面临的职业压力越来越大,职业倦怠愈发凸显,这对小学教育以及师生身心健康均产生不利影响。本文采用问卷调查和微访谈的方法对赣州市5所农村小学的英语教师的职业倦怠情况进行调查,并对其中4位教师进行访谈,分析当前农村小学英语教师职业倦怠的现状,找出问题的成因并提出相关的干预策略,从而促进小学英语教师专业发展。  关键词:农村教育;小学英语教师;职业倦怠;专业发展