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情绪,实质上是一种心理状态,它与身体健康有密切关系。情绪能影响人的方方面面。积极的情绪对人体活动常起到良好的促进作用,可以提高体力和脑力劳动的效率,使人保持健康;消极的情绪如愤怒、怨恨、焦虑、忧郁、恐惧、痛苦等,如强度过大或持续过久,可导致神经活动机能的失调。一 Emotions, in essence, are mental states that are closely related to their health. Emotions can affect all aspects of people. Positive emotions often play a good role in promoting human activities, can improve the efficiency of physical and mental work, make people stay healthy; negative emotions such as anger, resentment, anxiety, depression, fear, pain, such as excessive intensity or Continued too long, can lead to disorders of neural activity. one
The very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) strain Gx was isolated from a poutl-try farm in Guangxi Province, China, during 1996. The mortality i
The genetic diversity of Dongxiang wild rice populations was evaluated by using 14 SSR primerpairs. Twelve of the primer pairs amplified polymorphic bands. A to
水利工程勘察资料数据庞大,数据处理工作十分复杂,现有的专用工程勘察软件在数据处理、统计分析及图件生成等方面,均不能充分地满足工程设计的实际需求。微软Visual Basic(简称VB)程序开发软件调用Access、Excel的方法,能够实现对现有专用工程勘察软件功能的延伸和拓展,使工程勘察数据的检查、统计、分析、查询及成果输出等更符合实际使用的要求,提高工程勘察数据处理的工作效率。
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR), known as the broad-spectrum, inducible plant immunity,is a defense response triggered by pathogen infection. The response st
Ninety Landrace&#215;Jia 35&#177;0.40kg weight growing pigs were randomly allotted to three treatments,each of which was replicated three times with tem pigs pe