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我国破产法对于企业破产标准,采用的是一元标准,即企业财产标准,当企业财产不足以偿付企业债务时,即可符合破产标准。我国保险法对于保险公司破产标准,采用的是二元标准,即企业财产标准和违法经营标准。本文认为,该二元标准突破了破产法的基本原则,有违破产法的基本精神。破产法判断一个商业企业是否达到破产,采用的唯一标准是财产标准,即以企业财产是否足以清偿全部债务为唯一标准,此外别无其他标准。有竞争性的启动破产申请程序,可以减少保险公司价值的损耗,保护债权人的利益;同时,有助于防止监管机构的不作为或者权力滥用,维护被保险人的利益。这样,行政性和司法性的启动制度互相激励,保险公司破产程序就会更加符合确定性、效率性、可操作性和灵活性原则,保证破产程序公正和高效;最终既有利于保险行业的发展,又有利于维护保险市场各方主体的权利。 China’s bankruptcy law for corporate bankruptcy standards, the use of a dollar standard, that is, corporate property standards, when the corporate property is not enough to pay corporate debt, you can meet the bankruptcy standards. China’s insurance law for the bankruptcy standards of insurance companies, the use of the binary standard, that is, corporate property standards and illegal business standards. This paper argues that the dual standard breaks through the basic principles of bankruptcy law and violates the basic spirit of bankruptcy law. The insolvency law determines whether a commercial enterprise has reached bankruptcy. The sole criterion adopted is the property standard, which is based on whether the property of the enterprise is sufficient for the satisfaction of all debts and, in addition, there is no other standard. Competitive start of the bankruptcy application process can reduce the loss of the value of insurance companies and protect the interests of creditors; at the same time, it helps to prevent the regulator from inaction or abuse of power to safeguard the interests of the insured. In this way, the initiation of the administrative and judicial system will inspire each other and the insolvency proceedings of insurance companies will be more in line with the principles of certainty, efficiency, operability and flexibility to ensure the bankruptcy proceedings will be fair and efficient. Eventually, this will not only help the development of the insurance industry , But also help maintain the rights of all parties in the insurance market.
Background and Objective: In recent years, incidence and mortality of lymphoma are markedly increasing worldwide. However, the pathogenesis and mechanism of inv
[摘要]数学课程是对学校数学教育内容、标准和进度的总体安排和设计。只有注重学法指导、运用课堂例题的安排、巧妙设计课堂练习题,才能真正调动学生的学习兴趣。  [关键词]高中 数学教学 课堂效益    教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“上课并不像把预先量好、裁好的衣服报样摆到布上去,问题的全部在于,我们的工作对象不是布,而是有血有肉的,有着敏感而娇弱和精神的学生。”面对我们的教学对象,如何提高数学教学的课
环境对人有着重要的影响,环境对学生的学习也有着重要的作用。从心理学角度讲,一个良好的学习气氛和环境能使学生心理处于最低焦虑状态,有利于学生进行学习活动。在高中政治教学中,给学生创设特定情景,营造出一个良好的环境,可以帮助学生认知课本的内容和知识要点,拓宽知识领域,发展学生的思维能力和概括能力,取得良好的教学效果。    一、“情景教学法”的含义    情景是指某个场合的具体情况和景象。政治课情景教
一,对高等师范美术教育专业在招生环节中,低分录取的质疑。 目前,全国范围内,在录取报考高等师范院校美术教育专业的考生时,基本采取的是低于当年普通高校录取分数线的原则,
[摘要]本文从教材、学情、教法、教学过程、教学效果预计等方面进行分析,探索排球教学之路。  [关键词]正面双手垫球 教学 分析  [中图分类号]G842 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2015)09-0223-01  正面双手垫球是根据《体育与健康》的课程标准要求,以育人为宗旨,在教会学生学习的思想指导下,本着健康第一的教育目标,以及学校实际情况,组织安排教学内容。本课以学生为