Thermochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen Production Utilizing Nuclear Heat from an HTGR

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lukexingmm
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A very promising technology to achieve a carbon free energy system is to produce hydrogen from water, rather than from fossil fuels. Iodine-sulfur (IS) thermochemical water decomposition is one promising process. The IS process can be used to efficiently produce hydrogen using the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) as the energy source supplying gas at 1000℃. This paper describes that dem- onstration experiment for hydrogen production was carried out by an IS process at a laboratory scale. The results confirmed the feasibility of the closed-loop operation for recycling all the reactants besides the water, H2, and O2. Then the membrane technology was developed to enhance the decomposition efficiency. The maximum attainable one-pass conversion rate of HI exceeds 90% by membrane technology, whereas the equilibrium rate is about 20%. A very promising technology to achieve a carbon free energy system is to produce hydrogen from water, rather than from fossil fuels. Iodine-sulfur (IS) thermochemical water decomposition is one promising process. The IS process can be used to efficiently produce hydrogen using the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) as the energy source supplying gas at 1000 ° C. This paper describes that dem- onstration experiment for hydrogen production was carried out by an IS process at a laboratory scale. The results confirmed the feasibility of the closed Then the membrane technology was developed to enhance the decomposition efficiency. The maximum attainable one-pass conversion rate of HI exceeded 90% by membrane technology, but the equilibrium rate is about 20%.
问:我家住越南,去年夏天,我的女友突然失踪。不久,有消息说她被拐卖到中国大陆某地,家人和朋友都非常着急。请问,我的女友如何获得法律救助? 答:阮小姐,我完全理解您的心情,
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一望无际的南非草原,灿黄的草地,在天际与蓝天白云连为一体。一只小猎豹迷失了方向,满眼的恐慌和无助。  它游走在公路上,被公路旅行的男孩和爸爸救下。“瞧它脸上的黑色条纹,是一只猎豹啊,爸爸,世界上跑得最快的动物。”男孩兴奋地抱起它,温柔得像抱一只乖巧的小猫。  小豹和男孩一起回到了农场,这里是男孩和爸爸妈妈幸福生活的天堂,而小豹也从此成了家的一员。男孩的妈妈给它取名叫“杜玛”,斯瓦希里语中“猎豹”的