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1994年是我国改革进入攻坚阶段的重要一年。在全国实施整体推进重点突破的宏大工程中,加快企业转换经营机制、建立现代企业制度,必然成为关系全局的改革重点。因此今年企业报面临着更加严峻的挑战和任务。值此喜迎新春之际,我们向新闻界和企业报同行、通讯员及广大读者致以诚挚的节日问候,并祝愿你们在迎接新的挑战中做出更多更大的成绩。在过去的一年里,本刊以“眼睛向下、往下使劲”为目标,在报社与协会领导、特约编委和广大采编人员与通讯员的共同努力下,对贴近企业从广度和深度进行了探索,取得了一些进展。实践证明,我国改革、建设 1994 is an important year for China’s reform to enter into a crucial stage. In the grand project of carrying out key breakthroughs in overall promotion throughout the country, accelerating the transformation of business operation mechanism and establishing a modern enterprise system will inevitably become the focus of the overall reform. Therefore, enterprises reported facing more severe challenges and tasks this year. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, we extend sincere greetings to journalists and enterprises, correspondents and readers. We wish you more achievements in meeting the new challenges. In the past year, with the goal of “keeping eyes open and pushing hard”, with the joint efforts of newspapers and associations, special editorial board editors and broad editors and correspondents, the magazine has conducted its work closely and in depth To explore, made some progress. Practice has proved that China’s reform and construction