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农业部政策法规司司长杜鹰提出区域经济差距很大程度上表现为农村经济的差距。农业GDP总量差距不大,主要是乡镇企业差距,占到区域差距一半以上。因此,所谓地区差距其实是个经济结构问题。加快中西部发展,主要是国民经济的结构变革问题,农村地区主要是加快非农产业的问题。 如何加快中西部发展尤其是农业发展? 过去许多地方实行赶超 Du Ying, director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, proposed that the regional economic disparity is largely manifested in the disparity in rural economy. The gap between the total agricultural GDP is not large, mainly the gap between township and village enterprises, accounting for more than half of the regional disparity. Therefore, the so-called regional disparity is actually a matter of economic structure. Speeding up the development of the central and western regions is mainly a structural change in the national economy. In rural areas, it is mainly the issue of speeding up non-agricultural industries. How to speed up the development of the central and western regions, especially agricultural development? In the past, catch-up was implemented in many places
摘要:素质教育的逐步推进,使教师越来越重视培养学生的综合素质。信息技术是高中生必备技能之一。开展高效的信息技术教学,能提高高中生运用信息技术的能力和水平。教师只有全面分析高中信息技术教学存在的问题,改革高中信息技术教学方式,才能优化高中信息技术教学。  关键词:高中 信息技术教学 现状 改善策略  一、高中信息技术教学的现状  1.教学内容不科学  我国高中信息技术课程设置与其他学科的课程设置有明
[Objective]To select the optimal extraction technology of flavonoids components from RADIX MOGHANIAE. [Methods] RP-HPLC method was adopted for the screening. Ch
Oxysophoridine, a new alkaloid extracted from Sophora alopecuroides L., has been shown to have a protective effect against ischemic brain damage. In this study,
[Objective]To determine equilibrium solubility under different pH value and the oil-water partition coefficient of dauricine in Octanol buffer system.[Methods]