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1968年胡庆禄离开母校河北农大,带着“绿化祖国河山”的远大理想,来到交通不便、条件艰苦、生活困难的围场县,一干就是35年。他从林场的技术员做起,一步一个脚印地扎实工作着,逐步走上管局领导岗位,并成为目前孟滦林管局唯一的正高级林业工程师。早在建局初期,胡庆禄在孟滦林管局新丰林场做技术工作,当时管局林业技术人员十分缺乏,他把所学到的林业知识,结合实际,指导运用到林业生产中去,为基层育苗、造林、森防等林业生产积累了丰富的实践经验,而后又在龙头山林 In 1968, Hu Qinglu left his alma mater, Hebei Agricultural University, with his lofty ideals of “greening the motherland and rivers and mountains,” and came to the paddy county inaccessible, difficult conditions and difficult life for 35 years. He started from the technicians in the forest farms and worked solidly step by step, gradually taking the leadership position of the Authority and becoming the only senior forestry engineer currently under the management of Menglun. As early as the early days of the URA, Hu Qinglu did technical work in the Xinfeng Forest Farm of Menglun Forest Bureau. At that time, there was a lack of forestry technicians in the management bureau. He used the learned forestry knowledge to guide the forest production, Grass-roots nursery, afforestation, forest prevention and other forest production has accumulated rich practical experience, and then in the leading mountain forest
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