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目的掌握甘肃省甘南藏族自治州(简称甘南州)居民碘盐食用情况及人群碘营养状况,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法采用整群抽样法,2014年在甘南州8个县(市)按东、西、南、北、中各抽5个乡,每个乡采60份居民户家中盐样测定盐碘,检测8~10岁儿童甲状腺,采集8~10岁儿童、育龄妇女、孕妇和哺乳期妇女及其0~2岁婴幼儿尿样检测尿碘;采集集中式与分散式生活饮用水水样381份检测水碘,用3日称重法检测居民户人均食盐日摄入量。结果 2014年甘南州碘盐覆盖率、碘盐合格率、合格碘盐食用率和非碘盐率分别为99.71%、99.37%、99.08%和0.29%,盐碘中位数为25.71 mg/kg;儿童、育龄妇女、孕妇、哺乳期妇女及其婴幼儿尿碘中位数分别为197.80μg/L、170.61μg/L、164.30μg/L、140.32μg/L和151.08μg/L;居民人均食盐摄入量为4.7 g/d;生活饮用水水碘中位数为2.00μg/L。结论甘南州食盐加碘预防碘缺乏病成效显著,已达到我国消除碘缺乏病标准,但部分县(市)人群碘营养差异较大,全民食盐加碘仍是全州今后防治碘缺乏病的主要措施。 Objective To understand the status of iodized salt and iodine nutrition among residents of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province (referred to as Gannan Prefecture), and provide the basis for effective prevention and control measures. Methods By cluster sampling method, five townships of east, west, south, north and south were sampled from 8 counties (cities) in Gannan Prefecture in 2014, salt samples were determined for salt and iodine in 60 households in each township, 8 to 10-year-old children with thyroid gland, collected 8 to 10-year-old children, women of childbearing age, pregnant women and lactating women and their 0 to 2-year-old urine samples urine iodine; collected centralized and decentralized drinking water 381 samples Water iodine, with the 3rd weighing method to detect per capita daily salt intake. Results In 2014, the iodized salt coverage rate, iodized salt pass rate, qualified iodized salt rate and non - iodized salt rate in Gannan were 99.71%, 99.37%, 99.08% and 0.29%, respectively, and the median of salt iodine was 25.71 mg / kg. The urinary iodine median of children, women of childbearing age, pregnant women, lactating women and infants and young children were 197.80μg / L, 170.61μg / L, 164.30μg / L, 140.32μg / L and 151.08μg / L respectively. The amount of 4.7 g / d; drinking water iodine median 2.00μg / L. Conclusion Gannan Prefecture iodized salt iodine deficiency prevention and treatment of significant effect has reached our country to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders standard, but some counties (cities) large differences in iodine nutrition, iodine salt is still the statewide prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders in the future Measures.
本文用电化学方法测定了 IN-738和 FSX-414燃气涡轮合金在1,100°K(827℃)碱金属熔螎硫酸盐(1大气压-101千牛顿/米~2氧和1.95×10~(-4)大气压-19.8牛顿/米~2SO_3)中的腐蚀速
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