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为了加强对丧失主营业务棉花企业(山东省称“非定点厂”,河南省称老棉区不再承担国家棉花收购任务的棉花企业)的信贷管理,特别是加强对这类企业的销售收入或经营收入的归行管理,进而加强收贷收息工作,我们在山东、河北、河南进行了调查。一、老棉区棉花企业丧失主营业务的主要原因(一)农业种植结构调整,老棉区种棉面积大幅度下降。80年代中期,山东、河北、河南三省承担了我国一半以上的棉花生产任务。据统计,历史上全国棉花总产量最高为12527万担,收购量11929万担。其中山东产量4000多万担,收购量3400万担;河北产量2133万担,收购量2006万担;河南1030万担,收购量 In order to strengthen the credit management for the loss of the main cotton business (Shandong Province refers to the “non-fixed plant” and Henan Province claims that the old cotton area no longer assumes the task of national cotton purchase), especially to strengthen the sales revenue of such enterprises. Or the management of income from operations, and further strengthening the collection and collection of interest, we conducted investigations in Shandong, Hebei, and Henan. I. The main reasons for the loss of the main business of the cotton enterprises in the old cotton region (1) The structure of agricultural planting was adjusted, and the area of ​​cotton planted in the old cotton area was greatly reduced. In the mid-1980s, the three provinces of Shandong, Hebei, and Henan undertook more than half of China’s cotton production tasks. According to statistics, the highest total cotton output in history was 12.527 million megawatts, and the acquisition volume was 119.29 million tan. Among them, Shandong has a production volume of more than 40 million megawatts and a purchase volume of 34 million megawatts; Hebei Province has a production volume of 21.33 million megawatts, and the acquisition volume is 2006 million megawatts; Henan 10,300,000 megawatts.
9月19日艾科软件(上海)有限公司与金华夏网络技术有限公司所属的中国万维化工城(www.chem.com.cn) 共同向化工企业推出了电子商务直通车 On September 19th, Aike Software
相对于电脑和掌上设备铺天盖地的宣传攻势,投影机这种 IT 外设类产品的市场宣传工作一直很低调,但今年似乎大有抬头之势,不知投影机产品广告的增多源于炒作,还是真的因为市
在谈起 Brio 公司的 BI(业务智能)技术时,Brio 公司总裁 Yorgen Edholm先生坦言:“我们所做的事情类似于中央情报局对美国军队的工作。一些公司的软件,只能收集数据,或者只
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