Pedogenically degenerated illite and chlorite lattices aid to palaeoclimatic reconstruction for chro

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Chronologically well-constrained loess-palaeosols (recorded glacial and inter-glacial climate) revealed pedogen-esis induced ionic substitutions, caused end-member compositional deviations in illite and chlorite, linked to widespread climatic changes occurred during Late Pleistocene. Further, micro-level climatic resolution is yet to be resolved. Thus, layer-wise X-ray diffraction analyses of clay separates, followed by Rietveld refinement revealed varied cell parameters and interatomic distances. Obtained values for detrital and pedogenic illite and chlorite when plotted against stratigraphic succession show notable changes in the crystallographic axes. The illite lattices associated with inadequately pedogenized palaeosols have been altered into illite/smectite mixed layers, but, the chlorite lattices represent expansion of a-, b-and contraction of c-axes with much greater amount of distortions, suggestive of warm-humid and acidic environment. The detrital 48, 44 and 83, 74 bonded illite and chlorite with 2 sub-types each, when pedogenized retained 48, 44 and 34;and 83 and 74 bonds (in their neo-formed 3 and 2 sub-types), respectively. The Al–O bond shows expansion, but, unchanged Si–O and decreased Si–K and K–O bonds show loss of Al and retention of Si and K ions in the illite lattices. The illite with 32 atoms and 48 bonds represent contraction of K–O, Si–K, Al–O and Si–O bonds caused bond reinforcement; however, loss of Al3+ re-flects all-out illite alteration. Owing to Al–O and K–O bond expansion, major K+ and Al3+ ionic loss occurred during the LGM, however, further ionic loss depends upon the magnitude of the loess-palaeosol weathering that they have suffered. The climate sensitive Fe, Mg and Al ionic losses for Fe–O, Mg–O and Al11–O9 bond length expansions were recognized in the chlorite lattices. Such ionic losses are common, but, complete distortion is attributed to Al, Si, Fe and Mg ionic losses, followed by weakening of Al–O, Si–O, Fe–O and Mg–O bonds. Though, Si–O4 and Fe1–O4 bonds, and Si and Fe1st ions remain intact.Thus, three major glacial episodes of~5 ka each occurred under alkaline environment, but, intervened by two successive cycles of 55 ka each, encompassing three altate warm and cold climatic sub-cycles of 12–15 ka. But, the coldness increases with each warm-cold sub-cycle that attained the glacial maxima. Further, these events correlate well with the deep-sea records of the North Atlantic (MIS-1 to MIS-5e) and CLP loess-palaeosols (~127 ka).
青春是一个敏感的话题。  无论现代社会,还是土著部落,人类学家在几乎所有的文化中都发现了青春期作为一个特殊阶段的存在。  这个阶段,会有两个具体的变化。第一个是发育,由此开始感受到身体的巨大改变和情绪的激烈波动;第二个是独立,离开呵护,更多地与同伴交往。  对个体而言,青春期是一个令人困惑的阶段,你不再是孩子了,但也尚未成年。  对技术而言,青春期是一个蓬勃生长的坐标,完成了实验室的孕育,走到了市
外周神经母细胞性肿瘤(peripheral neuroblastic tumours, pNTs)是儿童期常见的颅外实体肿瘤,在所有儿童肿瘤相关死亡中约占15%。肿瘤原发部位变化多,其中大部分恶性程度高,发展
In this paper, the period distribution of cyclic codes overR = F_q + uF_q +···+u~(m-1)F_q is studied, where um= 0 and q is a prime power. A necessary and suf