以哥廷根大学教授、著名汉学家罗志豪(Erhard Rosner)博士为首的联邦德国及联合王国北爱尔兰学者一行七人,于二月至三月,两次在安庆市考察黄梅戏及民间音乐,受到市文化界及有关方面人士的热情、友好接待。来安庆的学者还有:哥廷根大学教授、国际传统音乐协会德意志分会主席柏兰德尔博土(Rudolf Brandl)及夫人、巴姆贝尔克大学女教授音乐科学家布吕克博士(Marianne Brocker)、北爱尔兰女王大学音乐与汉学教授沃尔皮特博土(Rembrandt Wol—pert)和夫
A group of seven Northern German scholars headed by Dr. Erhard Rosner, a famous Sinologist and professor at the University of Göttingen, visited the Huangmei Opera and folk music twice in February from February to March in Anqing, Cultural and related parties warm, friendly reception. Anqing’s academics include: Gudgen University Professor Rudolf Brandl, President of the International Association of Traditional Music and his wife, women music professor Bam Berk University Marianne Brocker, , Rembrandt Wol-pert, a professor of music and sinology at Queen’s University Northern Ireland,