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作者原文: 顾绶康的西藏情结 每逢双休日,北京玉渊潭公园南门的绿树丛中都会挂出“西藏万象”千幅微型照片展,一位年过半百的老人穿棱在驻足观看的群众之中,不时地指着照片向人们解答各种有关西藏的各类问题。 这是不久前一个春光明媚的周日,记者在玉渊潭公园看见的情景。工作人员告诉说,这一微型照片展览是我们的同行新华社退休干部、主任记者顾绶康举办的。其独特之处在于展出的照片全部是插在幻灯片框内的一寸彩色小照,全都由五彩经幡作衬,内容都是有关西藏的自然风光、宗教艺术及社会变革中的藏族人民新生活。走近这里的人们会感到一股强烈的西藏高原气息扑面而来,同时被那浑厚神 On the weekends, thousands of mini-photo exhibitions of “Vientiane in Tibet” will be hung in the green groves of the south gate of Beijing Yuyuantan Park. A half-aged elderly person wearing a watchtower will stop at a crowded place From time to time, they pointed at photos to answer various questions concerning Tibet. This is a scene not long ago a spring sun, reporters saw Yuyuantan Park. The staff members told me that this mini photo exhibition was organized by Gu Shukang, retired cadre of our compatriots Xinhua News Agency and director of the press office. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that all the photos on display are one-inch color photographs inserted in slide frames, all of which are lined with colorful prayer flags. The contents are all about the new features of Tibet’s natural scenery, religious art and the Tibetan people in social changes life. People approaching here will feel an intense atmosphere of the Tibetan Plateau, while being vigilant