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工业生产的原材料和劳动力成本的不断升高,以及全球对环保的呼声日益提高,传统的的制造行业竞争越来越激烈,传统的产业模式、生产模式早已不能适应当下的生产生存需求,制造业企业必须向着可以提供“知识密集型的产品和服务”的综合性企业转型发展。而产品服务系统作为一个产品制造企业负责产品全生命周期服务(生产者责任延伸制度)模式下所形成的产品与服务高度集成、整体优化的新型生产系统,在产业转型和解决产能过剩等问题中将发挥越来越重要的作用,本文将以产品服务系统为基础,阐述近些年产品服务系统的发展历程,最后通过案例佐证产品服务系统在企业中的应用。 The raw material and labor costs of industrial production are rising constantly, and the global calls for environmental protection are increasing day by day. The traditional manufacturing industry is more and more competitive. The traditional industrial mode and production mode can no longer meet the current production and survival needs. The manufacturing industry Businesses must move toward a comprehensive enterprise that can deliver “knowledge-intensive products and services.” The product service system as a product manufacturing company is responsible for product life cycle service (producer responsibility extension system) model formed by the highly integrated products and services, the overall optimization of new production systems, industrial restructuring and solve the problem of excess capacity and other issues Will play an increasingly important role in this article will be based on product service system, elaborating on the development of product service system in recent years, and finally corroborating the application of product service system in the enterprise through the case.
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小儿烧伤后2~3天容易发展为中毒性休克样疾病,此病与金葡菌外毒素——中毒性休克综合征毒素-1(TSST-1)有关。抗TSST-1抗体水平低或缺乏可能预示着对这种疾病的易感性。 Toxi
现在,大家都开始了解到,要使中国经济可持续发展,最重要的问题是理财,最棘手的问题也是理财。因此,笔者忽发奇想,假如请格林斯潘来理财,会是什么样的结果呢? Now, everyone
通过对冰箱中前梁零件的工艺分析,对其原有冲压工艺做了改进,提高了劳动生产效率。并设计出翻转式折弯模,实现这一改进目的。 Through the process analysis of the front b
我处在对一辆装用EQ6100—Ⅰ发动机的EQ1090载货汽车小修作业中更换了一副气门推杆。但车辆仅行驶了15km就出现了化油器回火、动力下降的现象。 I was in the process of r
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