Copy number changes of target genes in chromosome 3q25.3-qter of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma:

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kampfing
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AIM: By using comparative genomic hybridization, gain of 3q was found in 45-86% cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (EC-SCC). Chromosome 3q25.3-qter is the minimal common region with several oncogenes found within this region. However, amplification patts of these genes in EC-SCC have never been reported. The possible association of copy number changes of these genes with pathologic characteristics is still not clear.METHODS: Real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) was performed to analyze the copy number changes of 13candidate genes within this region in 60 primary tumors of EC-SCC, and possible association of copy number changes with pathologic characteristics was analyzed by statistics. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) study was also performed on another set of 111 primary tumors of EC-SCC to verify the association between TP63 expression change and lymph node metastasis status.RESULTS: The average copy numbers (±SE) per haploid genome of individual genes in 60 samples were (from centromere to telomere): SSR3:4.19 (±0.69); CCNL1:5.24 (±0.67); SvC4L1: 2.01 (±0.16); EVI1: 2.02 (±0.12);hTERC: 5.28 (±0.54); SKIL: 2.71 (±0.14); EIF5A2: 1.95(±0.12); ECT2:9.18 (±1.68); PIK3CA: 8.13 (±1.17);EIF4G1:1.07 (±0.05); SST: 3.07 (±0.25); TP63: 2.51(±0.22); TFRC: 2.42 (±0.19). Four clusters of amplification were found: SSR3 and CCLN1 at 3q25.31; hTERC andSKIL at 3q26.2; ECT2 and PIK3CA at 3q26.31-q26.32; and SST, TP63 and TFRC at 3q27.3-q29. Patients with lymph node metastasis had significantly lower copy number of TP63 in the primary tumor than those without lymph node metastasis. IHC study on tissue arrays also showed that patients with lymph node metastasis have significantly lower TP63 staining score in the primary tumor than those without lymph node metastasis.CONCLUSION: This study showed that different amplification patts were seen among different genes within 3q25.3-qter in EC-SCC, and several novel candidate oncogenes(SSR3, SMC4L1, ECT2, and SST) were identified. TP63is amplified in early stage of EC-SCC carcinogenesis but down-regulated in advanced stage of disease.
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