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EISA大奖是由欧洲影像及音乐协会(European lmaging and Sound Association,简称EISA),经过严格评选后所颁发的榜单。该协会由来自20多个欧洲国家的50组影音器材资深评论媒体组成。该会成员会于每年六月下旬,在瑞士日内瓦聚首一堂,对过去12个月内推出的影音产品进行评审,并根据产品类别,投票选出该年度表现最佳、最具代表性的产品。评选成员若认为某类别新产品中未有表现突出者,该组别的EISA奖项就会暂时取消。此项大奖每年评选一次,由EISA的各大主编和编辑们投票选出过去一年在欧洲发售的、最具代表性的数字影像相关产品。EISA是欧洲最大的多媒体评论机构,主要评论的领域涵盖了影像、音频、移动电子用品等,其成员来自20多个欧洲国家共50多家相关专业杂志。由于EISA的成员在业内具有广泛的影响力,因此每年的EISA大奖都备受业界人士的瞩目。它被公认为最具权威性的影音消费电子产品评选,并预示着最新的发展趋势。今年的EISA大奖已经在上个月公布,从获奖名单上看,我们可以明显地发现家庭影音娱乐类的产品已朝着智能化和更高规格的影音技术方向而发展,同时高保真音乐娱乐系统与无线、流媒体的结合则是更加紧密,这也向我们预示了未来影音潮流的发展方向。 The EISA Award is the result of a rigorous selection of the European Lmaging and Sound Association (EISA). The association consists of more than 50 European countries from 50 sets of video equipment senior commentary media. Members of the Association will meet each year in late June in Geneva, Switzerland to review the AV products launched in the past 12 months and to vote for the best performing and most representative products of the year based on product categories. If a winning member does not consider himself to be outstanding in a category of new product, the EISA award in that category will be temporarily canceled. The award is voted once a year and the major EISA editors and editors voted for the most representative digital-video-related products available in Europe during the past year. EISA is Europe’s largest multimedia criticism agency. Its main comment areas cover video, audio, mobile electronic products, etc. Its members come from over 50 related professional magazines in more than 20 European countries. As EISA members have a wide range of influence in the industry, the annual EISA Awards have attracted the attention of the industry. It is recognized as the most authoritative audio-visual consumer electronics products selection, and heralds the latest trends. This year’s EISA Awards have been announced last month. Judging from the list of winners, we can clearly see that home entertainment products have evolved toward intelligent and higher-standard audio-visual technologies, while high-fidelity music entertainment systems And wireless, streaming media is more closely integrated, which also shows us the future direction of the development trend of audio and video.
摘 要:猪咬尾症阿是养猪场中常见的一种疾病,会对养猪场的经济效益造成巨大的影响,对其病因及预防措施展开探讨十分必要。本文从四个方面出发,对猪咬尾症的病因进行了分析,并结合猪咬尾症的症状特征,提出了相应的预防措施。  关键词:猪咬尾症;病因分析;预防措施  随着我国社会经济的快速发展,养猪业得到了迅猛的发展,养猪场也朝着规模化方向发展。在现代规模化养猪场中,猪咬尾症是一种常见的病症,又称为反不适综合