Hot Money and Business Cycle Volatility:Evidence from China

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dalang003
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This paper investigates the link between hot money and business cycle volatility in Chinafrom January 1997 to December 2009.Using the structural vector error correction model,we find a considerable degree of long-run cointegration and bidirectional causality effectsbetween hot money and business cycle volatility.The speculative shocks are found totemporarily promote China’s economic growth, but also to exacerbate business cyclevolatility.The liquidity shock stemming from hot money is shown to be the primary factorresponsible for the significantly enhanced fluctuation in business cycles during the mostrecent global financial crisis period.This could be detrimental to the smooth operation offinancial markets.Therefore, in forming future policies, it is critical for policy-makers totake precautions against the speculative factors. This paper investigates the link between hot money and business cycle volatility in China from January 1997 to December 2009.Using the structural vector error correction model, we find a considerable degree of long-run cointegration and bidirectional causality effectsbetween hot money and business cycle volatility. speculative shocks are found totemporarily promote China’s economic growth, but also to exacerbate business cyclevolatility. liquidity shock stemming from hot money is shown to be the primary factorresponsible for the significant enhanced fluctuation in business cycles during the mostrecent global financial crisis period.This could be detrimental to the smooth operation offinancial markets.Therefore, in forming future policies, it is critical for policy-makers totake precautions against the speculative factors.
摘 要:大学物理实验课程是对高校学生进行科学实验基本训练的一门独立的必修基础课程。从目前大学物理实验课程教学的现状进行分析反思,结合多年的教学探索,分别从教师理念的转变、教学模式的改进、实验内容的更新和实验成绩考核的优化等方面进行了探讨,目的在于不断提高物理实验教学的质量,培养学生的科学素养和创新能力。   关键词:大学物理实验;反思;探索;创新     一、对大学物理实验课程教学现状的分析与
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