
来源 :中国基础科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lynnxiao
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我国远洋科学考察船“大洋一号”2005年4月2日在青岛起航,开始执行我国首次环球大洋科考任务。此次环球大洋科考的总体目标是对相关的大洋中脊开展综合科学考察,对海底热液硫化物资源、生物资源和相关环境开展调查,为人类探索和认识大洋,以及和平利用大洋资源做出中国应有的贡? Ocean Scientific Expedition Ship “Ocean One” set sail on Qingdao on April 2, 2005, and started to carry out the task of China’s first global oceanic expedition. The overall goal of the Global Ocean Expedition is to conduct comprehensive scientific expeditions on the relevant mid-ocean ridges, investigate the hydrothermal sulfide resources, biological resources and related environments in the seabed, explore and understand the oceans for human beings, and make peaceful use of the oceans resources Out of China’s due tribute?
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研究了2024和2524铝合金的疲劳裂纹,并分析了合金裂纹的萌生机制。结果表明,2024-T3铝合金中有粗大的Al7Cu2(Fe,Mn)(β相)、小圆形Al2Cu Mg(S相)和Al2Cu(θ相)第二相粒子。25
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Cycladophora davisiana (Radiolarian) contents are counted in two cores of the Ber-ing Sea and correlated well with the oxygen isotopic records of ice in the dee
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