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现在Internet和Web越来越流行,用户可以在Internet和Web上任意翱翔,有些BBS提供商为迎合Internet的需求不断时自己的产品进行改进,并试图为传统BBS用户提供更为全面的功能。 Internet的出现对拨号进入BBS的客户支持系统提出了更高的需求,唤醒开发人员不断地对产品线进行修正,以保持他们现有的用户。例如许多提供商为适应使用Intranet的用户和信息传播的发展对自己的产品进行改进,并提供对不在Internet上的用户的访问功能。同时,一些行动积极的供应商借助硬件平台和操作系统的功能性,提供更鲁棒的环境以及为系统操作 Now that the Internet and the Web are becoming more and more popular, users can fly freely on the Internet and the Web. Some BBS providers constantly improve their products to cater to the needs of the Internet, and try to provide more comprehensive functions for traditional BBS users. The emergence of the Internet puts a higher demand on the customer support system for dialing into the BBS, waking up developers to constantly modify the product line in order to maintain their existing users. For example, many providers improve their products to accommodate the use of intranet users and the spread of information, and provide access to users who are not on the Internet. At the same time, a number of active suppliers are using hardware platforms and operating system functionality to provide a more robust environment and system operation
这里所采用的是一篇用户来稿,它纯从用户的角度谈了使用几种不同Internet多内码中文平台的感受,其中提到对各软件的评价并不代表本报的观点。 Here is a user’s contributi
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