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建筑须人创造,环境须人改造。完美成功的建筑必须与环境、人物相结合,融洽得生动自然。这就是建筑、环境、人物的有机结合或叫做建筑、环境、人物的统一观。一、建筑建筑物以其庞大的外表、室内外空间的变幻、交融、渗透以及装饰博得人们的欢心与赞赏,建筑形象及其内外空间的好丑是评定建筑优劣的根据。我国古建筑有浓厚的民族特色,反映了当时的经济、文化、艺术,大屋顶、飞檐翘角是其主要的特征。自汉唐以来,西方文化的输入,也溶进了印度、阿拉伯等地域的建筑特征,近代与世界各国的文化交流,使得中国建筑形象趋向“洋化”,建筑师们正探索着中国建筑发展的方向。著名建筑大师梁思成认为中国建筑应走“中而新”的道路。迄 The building must be created and the environment must be transformed. The perfect and successful building must integrate with the environment and people and be harmonious and natural. This is the organic combination of architecture, environment, and characters or a unified view of architecture, environment, and people. 1. The architectural buildings and the ugliness of their interior and exterior spaces are the basis for judging the merits of the buildings with their huge appearance, changing, blending and infiltrating the interior and exterior spaces, as well as the appreciation and appreciation of people. China’s ancient buildings have strong national characteristics, reflecting the economy, culture, and art of the time, and the main features of the large roof and cornices. Since the Han and Tang dynasties, the input of Western culture has also dissolved into the architectural features of India, Arabia and other regions. The cultural exchanges between modern and other countries in the world have led to the trend of “Westernization” of Chinese architectural images. Architects are exploring the development of Chinese architecture. The direction. The famous architect Liang Sicheng believes that Chinese architecture should take the “medium and new” path. until
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