谷芽饲料是由大麦、燕麦、稻谷等谷类发芽而成。在早春或青饲料缺乏的情况下增喂谷芽,不仅能代替部分青饲料,还能补充维生素的不足,起到促进鱼类生长,增强抗病能力,特别是对草、鲤、鲂等吃食性鱼类的产前培育,可提高产卵率、受精率和成活率。现将谷芽制作与饲喂方法介绍如下: 一、制作。把大麦、燕麦、稻谷等谷类籽实筛选去杂去劣,洗净晾干,放入25—30℃的温水中浸泡一昼夜,待籽实膨胀后,捞出
Valley bud feed is made from barley, oats, rice and other cereals germinated. In the early spring or lack of green feed to increase glutinous rice buds, not only can replace part of the green feed, but also to supplement the lack of vitamins, play to promote fish growth and enhance disease resistance, especially for grass, carp, 鲂 and other eating fish Prenatal breeding class can increase the rate of spawning, fertilization and survival rate. Now Guya production and feeding methods are described below: First, the production. The barley, oats, rice and other cereal seed screening to miscellaneous to bad, wash and dry, put in 25-30 ℃ warm water soak for a day and night, until the seed is swollen, remove