《魏玛宪法》诞生于战争的阴影之下,正如《魏玛宪法》之父胡果·普洛伊斯(Hugo Preuβ,1860—1925年)所说,“这部魏玛宪法不是在充满祝福的阳光下诞生,而是诞生在背负国家战败的深渊,整个民族的不幸之下”。~①后世对《魏玛宪法》的评价可谓毁誉参半:一方面,它是德国历史上第一部民主宪法,也是欧洲资本主义垄断时期的第一部现代资产阶级
The Weimar Constitution was born under the shadow of war, as Hugo Preuβ (1860-1925), the father of the Weimar Constitution, said: “This Weimar constitution is not full Blessing of the sun was born, but born in the abyss of defeat the country, the entire nation’s unfortunate ”. ① ① The later reviews of the Weimar Constitution are mixed: on the one hand, it is the first democratic constitution in German history and the first modern bourgeoisie in the monopoly period of European capitalism