
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anyjz
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本文作者在原有对颈动脉系统深穿支的研究基础上,通过对100例颈动脉系统深穿支分布区域“孤立性梗死”CT的研究,综合MRI的资料,描绘出颈动脉系统深穿支的解剖分布图。大脑中动脉(MCA)发出二组主要的深穿动脉:外侧及内侧豆纹动脉;外侧豆纹动脉分布区域较广,分布于尾状核头大部,内囊前部,壳核及苍白球前半部份等。其前支和后支在脑室周围呈“冠状放射状”分布。这些区域的梗死相当于Fisher等描述的“内囊—壳核—尾状核”腔隙状梗死。内侧豆纹动脉的分布区域较小:包括内囊后肢的前下部及壳核、苍白球中央内侧部份。丘脑结节动脉少数 Based on the original study of the deep penetrating branch of the carotid system, the author of this study analyzed the CT of 100 cases of isolated deep infarction of the carotid system and comprehensively analyzed the data of MRI to describe the deep penetrating branch of the carotid artery Anatomy Distribution. The middle cerebral artery (MCA) emits two major groups of deep penetrating arteries: the lateral and medial lenticelous arteries. The lateral lenticular arteries distribute widely in the caudate nucleus, the anterior portion of the internal capsule, the putamen and the globus pallidus The first half and so on. The anterior branch and posterior branch of the periventricular showed “coronal radial” distribution. Infarction in these areas is comparable to the “balloon-putamen-caudate” lacunar infarction described by Fisher et al. The internal lenticulosus artery distribution area is smaller: including the anterior and posterior portion of the hind limb and putamen, the central part of the globus pallidus. Thalamic nodules a small number of arteries
1950年 11月 23日,河北省人民出版社正式成立,从此揭开了新中国成立以来河北省出版史的第一页。 50年来,河北人民出版社在党的出版方针的指引下,不断探索、锐意进取,逐步形成了“精品带动,整
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Since R. S. Potember and his co-operators reported in 1979 that there was a cur-rent-controlled bistable electrical switching phenomenon in the copper charge-t
未来是不可预测的,人也不是天天都能走好运的。正是因为这样,我们才要有危机意识,在心理上及实际行为上有所准备,好应付突如其来的变化。那么,你有危机意识吗?  【测试开始】一头奶牛正从牛舍里出来吃草,请你凭直觉判断,它将走到哪一处觅食?  A山脚下 B 大树下  C河流旁 D 栅栏农舍旁  【测试结果】  选A你的危机意识很强,甚至有点杞人忧天。也许原本很容易的事,因为被你天天惦念,久而久之,就成了困