In this paper, the acoustic emission characteristics of marble specimens under uniaxial compression are studied in detail in time-domain and frequency-domain analysis methods, in order to reveal the essence of changes in the acoustic emission characteristics of marble specimens under stress, and thus to achieve acoustic emissions. On-site application of technology to find suitable forecasting methods, forecasting parameters and forecast points. The results show that: when the rock is close to failure, (1) the main frequency of the acoustic emission signal moves towards the low frequency direction; (2) the energy rate and acoustic emission rate of the high frequency window have a greater decrease in the energy rate and acoustic emission rate of the lower frequency window. And the change of energy rate is more significant than the change of acoustic emission rate. Therefore, the author of this paper believes that energy rate is a good parameter in rock mass destruction forecasting; multiple monitoring frequency windows are set up in on-site monitoring, and predictions based on energy and acoustic emission rates at different frequency windows can be reliably predicted. The advent of destruction.