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  一、 综述
  风险投资机构与被投公司关系的理论研究主要有“筛选”和“监督”作用以及“认证作用”等。Barry等(1990) 通过研究美国上市的433家风险投资持股公司样本,提出了风险投资的“筛选”和“监督”作用;Megginson和Weiss(1991)选取320家有风险投资持股和无风险投资持股的同行业、首次发行募资规模相似的两组样本进行配对研究,提出了风险投资的“认证作用”。Jain
A glide-plus-climb micromechanism of dislocation evolution with the formation of subgrains is pro-posed for modelling of the creep-plasticity interaction (CPI).
Surface originated kink bands consist of an important failure mode for fibre-reinforced compo-sites under compression. The mechanical behavior of the fibre brid
Experimental revelation of superblunting along plane strain predominant crack tip segment is re-ported here for modified polyproplene.As elucidated by a heurist
In this investigation,the Stroh formalism is used to develop a generalsolution for an infinite,anisotropic piezoelectric medium with an elliptic inclusion.The c
Research efforts made so far to simulate fibre suspension flows are limited to fibre suspensions inNewtonian fluids.Though short fibre composites are mostly mad
In previous studies on plasma-particle interaction, as far as we know,the rf plasma flow and temperature fields are all simulated by the non-self-consistentone-
The nonlinear quasi-conforming FEM is presented based on the basic concept of the quasi--conforming finite element. First, the incremental principle of stationa
An inviscid base pressure model for transonic turbine blade has been presented. It has beenshown that for a given back pressure the base pressure at the trailin