借法律公正之名 行贸易保护之实——反倾销专家看欧盟对华鞋类产品的反倾销

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10月7日,欧盟通过的对中国和越南产皮鞋的正式反倾销方案一出台,立刻在国内鞋业掀起了轩然大波。正所谓无风不起浪,为什么国内的企业和业内人士会有如此的强烈的反响呢?记者日前就此采访了中国国际贸易学会的常务理事周世俭,在这里,我们暂且不论欧盟此次反倾销调查会对国内的外销制鞋企业产生怎样的影响,先来了解这位有着丰富的反倾销申诉经验的专家是怎样看待此次中国鞋在欧盟遭遇的。过程与结果——借法律公正之名行贸易保护之实“这次欧盟对我国的皮鞋产品进行的反倾销调查虽然从表面上看一切都是按照相关法律程序进行的,但实际上无论是审理的过程还是目前的结果都有很多疑点,期间有不少的问题都没有按照有关规定操作,因此我认为此次欧盟的反倾销真的是借法 October 7, the EU adopted a formal anti-dumping program on the shoes of China and Vietnam introduced a program immediately set off an uproar in the domestic footwear industry. The so-called no wind without waves, why the domestic enterprises and industry insiders will have such a strong response? Reporter recently interviewed China Institute of International Trade Zhou Shijian, here, we for the time being the EU anti-dumping investigation will be on the domestic export Shoe-producing enterprises how the impact of the first to understand the rich experience of anti-dumping complaints of experts how to treat the Chinese shoes encountered in the EU. Process and Results - By the name of legal fair trade protection ”The EU anti-dumping investigation of China’s leather shoes products Although the surface of everything in accordance with the relevant legal procedures, but in fact whether it is trial The current outcome or the results have many doubts, during which many of the problems are not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the operation, so I think the anti-dumping of the EU is really borrowing