\\"Living Faithfully to the Authentic Self\\"—Analysis of the Character of Meursault f

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With the sense of detachment and callousness, the protagonist Meursault cares no way or the other to mother’s death,lover’s adoration, social morality, religious beliefs, and even when he is under the sentence to death. It appears that Meursault is an insensitive man, but in fact, he is the one who really keeps alive out for himself. The social drama in which full of people hypocritically say one thing and do another, and some are escapist since life impossibly goes without feeling obligated to anything.Only those look the absurd life in the face, feel less afraid to others’ expectation and keep struggling could dominated their fate.Meursault rejects to cheat, he refuses salvation from the god father. He has never followed the trends of time but remained determinedly consistent, which exactly leads him to freedom. With the sense of detachment and callousness, the protagonist Meursault cares no way or the other to mother’s death, lover’s adoration, social morality, religious beliefs, and even when he is under the sentence to death. It appears that Meursault is an insensitive man, but in fact, he is the one who says keeps alive for for. The social drama in which full of people hypocritically say one thing and do another, and some are escapist since life impossibly goes without feeling obligated to anything. absurd life in the face, feel less afraid to others’ expectation and keep struggling could dominated their fate. Meursault rejects to cheat, he refuel salvation from the god father. He has never followed the trends of time but consistently determined consistently, which exactly leads him to freedom.
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