Parametric Hull Form Optimization of Containerships for Minimum Resistance in Calm Water and in Wave

来源 :船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqc851109
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This paper described the process of generating the optimal parametric hull shape with a fully parametric modeling method for three containerships of different sizes. The newly created parametric ship hull was applied to another ship with a similar shape, which greatly saved time cost. A process of selecting design variables was developed, and during this process, the influence of these variables on calm water resistance was analyzed. After we obtained the optimal hulls, the wave added resistance and motions of original hulls and optimal hulls in regular head waves were analyzed and compared with experi-mental results. Computations of the flow around the hulls were obtained from a validated nonlinear potential flow boundary element method. Using the multi-objective optimization algorithm, surrogate-based global optimization (SBGO) reduced the computational effort. Compared with the original hull, wave resistance of the optimal hulls was significantly reduced for the two larger ships at Froude numbers corresponding to their design speeds. Optimizing the hull of the containerships slightly reduced their wave added resistance and total resistance in regular head waves, while optimization of their hulls hardly affected wave-induced motions.
采用绳牵引并联支撑形式,以Basic Finner标准模型为例,分别针对有绳系、无绳系支撑进行不同迎角、不同马赫数情况下的气动仿真,考虑绳的直径、牵引点位置以及布局方式等因素影响;基于系统动力学方程进行稳定性分析.结果表明:小迎角时,绳系支撑的影响小,最大相对误差为2.06%,但随着迎角增大,绳系影响略有增加;在跨声速范围,马赫数为1时绳系支撑的影响最为突出;绳的直径和布局方式对气动特性影响较大;系统在考虑冲击载荷以及大迎角情况下仍具有较好的稳定性,综合考虑可选择绳索直径较小、反向布置的牵引方式.上述研究
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