The current energy market environment in China is not able to support the rapid prosperity of the future integrated energy local area network. The main reason for this is that, in order to ensure social stability, the centralized energy system enjoys high subsidies from the government. This policy imposes high price barriers on highly efficient, stand-alone integrated energy local area networks, resulting in a level playing field in which it is difficult to compete flexibly and efficiently with centralized energy systems instead of standing on the same starting line. Integrated Energy Local Area Network, by integrating its internal energy supply resources and energy demand such as electricity, heat and transportation, and building an energy demand curve that adapts to local energy supply capacity and structure, the system operational efficiency can be significantly improved. Due to the price subsidy of a centralized energy system, the energy supply price of this highly efficient integrated energy local area network can not compete fairly with a centralized energy system that is artificially maintained at a low price. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a series of market-oriented reform and development proposals with a view to building an excellent market environment, ensuring that integrated energy local area networks and centralized energy systems stand on the same starting line of competition, promoting the development of energy Internet and increasing energy consumption Welfare.