数有正数、负数,电荷有正电荷、负电荷,效应有正效应、负效应。你可听说过残疾也有正残疾和负残疾? 一百多年前,德国哲学家尼采惊人地发现,残疾的确有两种,一种是常见的残疾,还有一种异乎寻常的、反面的残疾。我们姑且分别把这两种残疾叫做“正残疾”、“负残疾”。需请读者注意的是,我们这里讲的不是生理上的残疾,而是讲的心灵的残疾,灵魂的残疾。因为尼采讲的并不是医学,而是人生哲学。正残疾跟人们常见的残疾差
The number of positive, negative, the charge has a positive charge, negative charge, the effect of a positive effect, negative effect. You heard about disability, positive disability and negative disability? More than a century ago, the German philosopher Nietzsche remarkedly found that there are indeed two kinds of disability, one is common disability, and the other is unusual disability . Let us call these two kinds of disability as “positive disability” and “negative disability” respectively. Please note that the reader is not talking about physical disability here, but rather speaking of spiritual disability and soul disability. Because Nietzsche speaks not medicine, but philosophy of life. Disability is worse than common disability