Treatment of epilepsy in China Formal or informal?

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingfish521
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Antiepileptic drugs are the preferred treatment approach for epileptic patients. However, informal treatment is important for intractable epilepsy. In this study, 500 epileptic patients were recruited from the General Hospital of Beijing Military Area Command of Chinese PLA during the period of October 2009 to January 2012. These involved patients that had been medical y treated for at least 1 year. Information on the initial treatment and changes to treatment regimens for each patient was col ected through questionnaires. The survey results showed that 52.3% of the epileptic patients searched for treatment after the first seizure, and the mean numbers of seizures was 12.8;59.8%of the epileptic patients were diagnosed at the first visit, and the mean onset time was 17 months after the first seizure. After diagnosis, patients were treated for an average of 20 days, and the median time was 1 day. Formal anti-epileptic drugs were selected as the first treatment regimen by 67.8%of patients, and 77.5%of these drugs were monotherapies. The mean and median numbers of seizure were respectively 36.9 and 3.0 times before the first regimen was changed. The regimen was changed within the first 6 months by 46.6% of patients, and after the first and second years of treatment, the proportions increased to 54.0%and 71.8%, respectively. In total, 78.5%of the regi-mens were changed to informal treatments. The informal treatment of epilepsy in China is common, being initiated by either patients or physicians. Enhancing epileptic treatment services in hospital, improving physicians’ professional quality, and strengthening health propaganda may promote the normalization of drug treatment of epilepsy in China.
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