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新医改方案明确提出,公立医院要遵循公益性质和社会效益原则,坚持以病人为中心,改革和完善管理体制、运行机制及监管机制等,目的是逐步建立规范、科学、高效、有序的医药卫生机构运行机制。随着人民对健康需求的提高以及医改的深入推进,公立中医医院的发展面临着前所未有的挑战,如何在复杂多变的医疗市场环境中保持强有力的竞争地位,医院需要具有全局的发展战略。文章结合洪湖市中医医院的实践与经验,探讨在新医改背景下,加快公立医院科学发展的思路及策略。 The new medical reform plan clearly states that public hospitals should adhere to the principles of public welfare and social benefits, adhere to the patient-centered reform and improvement of the management system, operation mechanism and supervision mechanism with the purpose of gradually establishing a standardized, scientific, efficient and orderly medicine Health institutions operating mechanism. With the improvement of people’s demand for health and the deepening of medical reform, the development of public TCM hospitals is facing an unprecedented challenge. How to maintain a strong competitive position in the complex and volatile medical market environment and hospitals need to have a global development strategy. Combining with the practice and experience of Honghu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the article discusses the ideas and strategies of accelerating the scientific development of public hospitals under the background of new medical reform.
腹腔镜现在已成为妇科的一场技术革命 ,我院自 2 0 0 0年 11月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月应用电视腹腔镜诊治多囊卵巢综合征 2 0例 ,取得了满意的效果 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 
Objective To observe the change of the cardiova scular effect of estrogen replaceme nt therapy in rat after treated with p rogesterone.Method Thirty female rate
1.病例介绍. 患者,35岁,因产后19天,发烧30小时,大汗,抽搐2次于99.1.25.11 45/Am以发烧原因待查:1、产褥中暑。2、低钠综合症收住。患者19天前,在我院足月顺产一男婴,胎盘胎
Laborisrarelyencounteredamongwomenwithspinalcordinjury EventhereportbyGollerandPaeslackdealtwith175casesfrom 4 2centersin 2 4countrie