
来源 :山东林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjn19900523
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核桃是我国的重要特产,果实营养丰富,是很好的滋补品。兹因长期衍用实生繁殖法,分散稀植,管理粗放,致使结果晚,产量低,经济效益不高。为探讨核桃早实丰产栽培技术,我们从1983年开始进行研究,历时4年,取得了平均亩产181.6公斤的效果。现将试验情况总结如下。一、试验地和试验材料试验地设在蒙阴县联城乡李家北山村的山丘水平地,土壤为黄粘土,士层厚度60—80厘米。面积9.8亩。1982年冬试验地深翻70—80厘米,结合深翻土的回填亩施土杂肥2500公斤。1983年春定植当地产元丰、上宋家6号和阿7等品种的2年生 Walnut is an important specialty of our country, rich in fruit nutrition, is a good tonic. Due to the long-term derivative breeding method, decentralized planting, extensive management, resulting in late results, low output, low economic benefits. In order to explore the early high-yielding walnut cultivation techniques, we started from 1983 to study, which lasted 4 years and achieved an average yield of 181.6 kilograms of results. Now the test situation is summarized as follows. First, the experimental ground and test materials Experimental ground located in Mengyin County, Lianxiang Township, Li Beishan village level, the soil is yellow clay, layer thickness of 60-80 cm. Area of ​​9.8 acres. Tests in the winter of 1982 Deep 70-80 cm, combined with deep trowel soil Mushu backfill 2500 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer. The spring 1983 planting when the real estate Yuen Fung, Song on the 6th and A 7 varieties such as 2-year-old
一簇茂盛树叶的化石,外形完整,叶片舒展;脉络清晰,枝干分明。它承载着远古的记忆,忍耐着数千年泥沙的挤压与湍流的冲刷,只为在破土而出的刹那,迎 A flock of lush foliage f
本文主要介绍了Spring Boot框架使用的三种数据访问技术,并介绍了Spring Boot在集成MyBatis、JPA、Redis的具体操作步骤.
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