
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshi254211
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初看题目,的确是为之惊喜,再看内容,可就突然生出难遣的悲凉来。这是由一篇报道引发的情绪之大喜大悲,大起大落,大“热”大“凉”。在省城举办的国际艺术杂技节闭幕不久,新闻媒体称颂大都市文明之花处处开放的声音尚不绝于耳,却见市内一家报纸以少有的特大号醒目标题报道:省城有个护花小英雄。文章说,河北省艺术中心两侧部分盆花遭到哄抢,其中不乏老人和青年。而当时极力制止抢花,并及时拨打‘110’的竟是一位五年级的小学生。文章接着讲,在艺术中心抢花者,有遛弯的人,也有过路的人,且是一窝蜂地抢搬花,且是接连两个晚上抢搬花,且是搬走了两万多盆花!另一篇同类报道中形容抢花后的惨景是香消玉陨,荡然无存,一片狼籍! 读着报道,就想起省艺术中心的位置来,就想起共产党员们来,情绪由“惊喜”而“悲凉”的变化,也就是因为想到了共产党员 First look at the title, it is indeed for the surprise, look at the content, can suddenly give birth to the tragedy. This is a great emotional news triggered by a big ups and downs, ups and downs, big “hot ” big “cool ”. Shortly after the closing ceremony of the International Arts Acrobatics Festival in the provincial capital, the news media praised the openness of the metropolitan civilization everywhere. However, a newspaper in the city reported it with a few notable oversize headlines: hero. The article said that some potted plants on both sides of the art center in Hebei Province were looting, many of them elderly and young. At that time, he tried hard to stop grabbing the flowers and call ’110’ in time to be a grade 5 pupil. The article goes on to say that in the art center, there are people who rush in, people who have walked, people who cross the road, and rob the flowers swarming in succession, and rob the flowers two successive nights. An article described in the same kind of coverage after the spree of the miserable King Xiang Yu disappeared, vanished, a mess! Read the report, think of the location of the provincial arts center, think of the communists, emotions by surprise “And ” sad "changes, that is, because of the thought of a communist
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