传统武术国际化的切入点 美国健身俱乐部里的太极拳和形意拳

来源 :中华武术(研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:surtacohen1
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本文通过实地考察、文献资料、统计、比较等方法,在对欧美主流健身形式——健身俱乐部——接受瑜伽和跆拳道过程的历史分析基础上,梳理、提升出了一个以太极拳和形意拳为代表的中华传统武术进入和常驻欧美健身方式的一体化方案建议。方案既从文化、经济的宏观层面,更从健身俱乐部的武术课程安排、学员心态历程、教练旅居生活等微观层面,展示武术国际化面临的机遇和挑战。文章认为:太极拳和形意拳以分级别课程长期入驻欧美健身俱乐部的形式,很有可能被国外主流人士接受。这种深层次本土化的武术国际化将是传承和发扬中华武术文化的必然趋势。 Based on the historical analysis of the main form of fitness in Europe and the United States - fitness club - the process of accepting yoga and taekwondo, this paper, through field investigation, literature, statistics, comparison and other methods, sort out and improve a form of Taijiquan and Xingyiquan As the representative of the Chinese traditional martial arts and permanent resident in Europe and the United States fitness approach to the integration of proposals. The program not only shows the opportunities and challenges facing Wushu internationalization from the macro level of culture and economy, but also from the micro-level of Wushu curriculum, fitness mentality and coaching life of fitness club. The article argues that Taijiquan and Xingyiquan have long been settled in European and American fitness clubs according to different levels and are likely to be accepted by foreign mainstream people. This deep localization of martial arts internationalization will be the inevitable trend of heritage and development of Chinese martial arts culture.
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