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无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机农产品和农产品地理标志统称“三品一标”。“三品一标”是政府主导的安全优质农产品公共品牌,是当前和今后一个时期农产品生产消费的主导产品。洪涝灾害中保证“三品一标”产品质量,尽量减少产量损失,对于保证经济收益具有重大意义。1.受灾前预防机制(1)密切关注天气预报,知晓洪涝可能发生的时间、地点、雨量和持续时间。(2)清理养殖基地所有的排水渠道和设施,保持排水渠道畅通,排水设施设备运行良好。(3)确切得到洪涝信息的,应加高、加固池塘堤埝,并提前降低池塘的水位,但水位高度应不影响养殖 Pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indications of agricultural products collectively referred to as “Three products one standard ” is the government-led public brand of safe and quality agricultural products, is the leading product of agricultural production and consumption for a period of time and in the future. In the flood disaster to ensure “three products a standard ” product quality, minimize production loss, to ensure economic benefits of great significance. 1. Pre-disaster prevention mechanisms (1) Pay close attention to the weather forecast to know when, where, when and how long the floods may occur. (2) Clean up all the drainage channels and facilities in the breeding base, keep the drainage channels open and the drainage facilities and equipment running well. (3) If the exact information on floods is obtained, the pond embankment should be heightened and the water level of the pond lowered in advance, but the water level should not affect the culture
In order to understand the biological community characteristics of different surface treatments of artificial reef templates,which had been placed on the offsho
Monthly fishery survey data of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the southern Yellow Sea from2003 and 2013 were employed to evaluate the variat
张 平  一九九○年毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院国画系,获学士学位。  主要学术活动:  二○一四年,参加宋庄上能艺术当量画廊、唯图艺术空间联合承办的『携手公益2014春季艺术家捐赠作品义卖展』。  二○一三年,『北京acf:艺术之旅—品牌艺术展』;  『美丽中国—当代艺术家书画作品展』(北京世纪坛当代艺术馆);  『八位中国艺术家作品展』(法国ARTS EN CAMBRESIS);  『已臻化境—二○