黑龙江垦区少数民族,在垦区创业发展中起着不可替代的作用,为北大荒建设作出了重要贡献。黑龙江垦区少数民族有47 572人(2000年),其中,满族25 423人,蒙古族5 178人,朝鲜族8 976人,回族3 033人,达斡尔族929人,苗族1 030人,彝族245人,赫哲族184人,瑶族184人,土家族94人,侗族423人,锡伯族248人,土族10人,维吾尔族5人,壮族
Minorities in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area play an irreplaceable role in the pioneering and development of Reclamation Area and made important contributions to the construction of the Great Northern Wilderness. There are 47 572 ethnic minorities in Heilongjiang reclamation area (2000), including 25 423 Manchu, 5 178 Mongolian, 8 976 Korean, 3 033 Hui, 929 Daur, 1 030 Miao, 245 Yi , 184 Hezhen people, 184 Yao people, 94 Tujia people, 423 Dong people, 248 Xibe people, 10 Turkish people, 5 Uyghur people, Zhuang people