
来源 :旅游纵览(行业版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voolxu
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近年来伴随着西部大开发/东北振兴和中部崛起等区域发展战略的实施,区域间差距不但没有缩小,反而呈现出继续扩大的趋势。究其原因,体制环境、政府职能转变、科技水平和观念等软投入落后是影响欠发达地区经济发展的根本性制约因素。而在新时期,要想使欠发达地区的旅游市场打开,就迫切需要一系列的解决对策,传统的旅游营销模式显然已经不能适用快速膨胀的旅游景点建设,要想在众多的旅游地中吸引旅游者的目光,可以通过创意营销来取胜。本文主要是通过对欠发达地区的不足条件进行分析,然后根据基本情况提出新时期旅游营销的新形势,如何使创意营销深入到旅游企业内部,从而达到吸引旅游者的目的。 In recent years, along with the implementation of regional development strategies such as the grand western development, the revitalization of the northeast and the rise of the central region, the gap between regions has not only been narrowed, but has continued to expand. The reason is that the backwardness of the soft investment such as the institutional environment, the transformation of government functions, the level of science and technology, and the concept are the fundamental constraints that affect the economic development in underdeveloped areas. In the new era, in order to open the tourism market in underdeveloped areas, a series of solutions are urgently needed. The traditional tourism marketing model is apparently unable to adapt to the rapid expansion of tourist attractions. To attract tourists in numerous tourist destinations Tourist’s eyes, you can win by creative marketing. This article mainly analyzes the inadequate conditions in underdeveloped areas, and then puts forward the new situation of tourism marketing in the new period according to the basic situation. How to make creative marketing penetrate into the tourism enterprises so as to attract tourists.
近 日 从 上 海 市 教 委 有 关 部 门 获 悉 ,今 年 上 海 高 职 高 专 毕业 生就 业 率 将 继续 保 持 去 年 90% 以 上 的良 好 势 头 。毕 业 生 流向 比 例 依 次 为 制
Background Coronary chronic total occlusion (CTO) remains one of the most challenging lesion subsets in interventional cardiology, even with the development of
金凤区——  “四联四促”搭建党群连心桥  金凤区在党的群众路线教育实践活动中,建立了“四联四促”工作机制,使党员领导干部、机关单位走基层问政、下基层劳动、为基层解难、到基层提高,真正和群众搭起连心桥。  一是领导联联系点,促工作重心下移。明确了县处级党员领导干部每人至少确定2个以上教育实践活动联系点,每周到联系点调研指导不少于1次,每月专题研究联系点问题不少于1次,示范带动和推进教育实践活动。 
To determine a surgical procedure for the correction of a systemic arterial s upply to a normal lung, it is important to evaluate whether the patient has a pu l